Front of better in the long run, which will lead to your writing becoming more free. It is already freer today thanks to Google's update with Rankbrain November , which then added Artificial Intelligence. SEO tips from SearchStars, a conference on SEO & Content Marketing by Magnus Äng | updated searchstars about SEO with ranktrail and topvisible SearchStars is Sweden's largest conference in Search Marketing and started in Malmö on October th, and RankTrail was of course there. Here we have summarized the most important 'takeaways' from the day with a focus on the parts that dealt with search engine.
Smart PR can provide backlinks from journalists SearchStars started with an inspiring speaker on strategies around backlinks and how to capture the interest of journalists, something that has become much more difficult in recent years. The lecture was given by Jonas Grünfeld from Verve Search who told us that websites whatsapp mobile number list in Sweden account for of the traffic !. Jonas highlighted different cases where they had focused on content with a news value, created unique content for this even separate websites. One of the cases was for Lenstore where they had built a web solution with photography of.
London and where visitors could zoom in on different buildings. Journalists were processed and in total they managed to get backlinks with CNN being one of those who wrote about it. Jonas told us about their process to attract the journalists to grab and write news about their clients' campaigns and it looked like this Research journalists and news sources identify relevant journalists for the topic and their contact details and these are usually found at the bottom or top of articles or with a link to a page with contact details Prepare the pitch a Investigate how.