Cuban doctors had taken advantage of Whatsapp Mobile Number List its benefits. It goes without saying that, as has been the case with the criminal US economic blockade of Cuba since 1960, the program was not created to promote the welfare of the Cuban people or to restore "democracy" on the island, but rather to attack the Cuban economy. , in this case Whatsapp Mobile Number List through 'brain drain', to punish a regime that does not play by the rules of the Washington game. It is also worth noting that even though Donald Trump has removed many of Obama's measures to ease the blockade, he has done nothing to reinstate Bush's medical program, evidence that Whatsapp Mobile Number List his anti-immigrant sentiments and policies are stronger than his anti-communism.
In the absence of the escape route provided by the Whatsapp Mobile Number List program, at least 150 Cuban doctors in Brazil resorted to the courts of that country before Bolsonaro took office to challenge the Cuban-Brazilian agreement and demand to be Whatsapp Mobile Number List independent contractors with the right to earn full salaries and not as employees of the Cuban State. The Whatsapp Mobile Number List lawsuits declined after Bolsonaro became president and Cuba withdrew his medical personnel (approximately 8,000 people) from that country.
In June 2019, there were several hundred Whatsapp Mobile Number List Cuban doctors sent to work in Brazil who refused to return to Cuba. They remained in Brazil in limbo, working whatever they could find to survive, since they cannot practice medicine Whatsapp Mobile Number List unless they pass a revalidation exam that has not been held since 2017. However, recently, the Brazilian government hired and authorized a157 Cuban doctors to provide aid during the Whatsapp Mobile Number List covid-19 crisis that has broken out in that country, aggravated by the criminally negligent policies of the Bolsonaro government.