Keep in mind that shipping needs to take place a little earlier so that customers have time to take advantage of the offer before they leave. If you have such an opportunity we also suggest decorating the packaging for the occasion. You don't have to order new cartons right away ready made Easter stickers on each package or item will suffice. Just make sure they don't fall off along the way and that they don't leave a sticky residue on the contents when removed.
The day of the book is coming Book sales are a specific category and not every store can easily take advantage of the opportunity to make a promotional campaign for such products. However if you offer any type of book including paid e books guides planners children's books manuals or cookbooks you can take advantage of the upcoming World Taiwan WhatsApp Number List Book Day . Promotions for widely understood literature during the period of April is a very good idea. You can even combine them with the May weekend offering customers to buy books for the upcoming relaxation under the pear tree. Good e commerce practice SMS sells great If you have a database of phone numbers obtained from current and potential customers use it! It is an additional valuable communication channel supporting e mail campaigns.
Remember that SMS has a fairly small character limit and you need to be brief about your message. Be sure to include a shortened link to save some precious quota and be able to introduce yourself and encourage action. More tips on effective SMS campaigns can be found in our guide . ecommerce promotion Use transactional emails Ultimately each e commerce campaign in practice should end with generating sales . We wish you this with all our hearts and at the same time we remind you conversion sales is not everything! It is essential that the shopping experience and service after it are polished.